When Grampound Village Store was being set up in the period 2013 - 14 we were grateful to receive many donations, variously in money, time, expertise and goods. These generous contributions included the portable cabin that is now the Coffee Shop from Wainhomes Ltd, all the groundwork necessary for the connection of the services from Fred Champion Ltd, the furniture in the Coffee Shop from St Austell Brewery Ltd and a huge amount of project management time and expertise from Mr and Mrs IK Bunt. All of this amounted to well over £13000.
The project was funded first and foremost by the people of Grampound who contributed over £20000 in Share Capital. The Prince's Countryside Fund provided a further £18000 and Airvolution Ltd £7500. We were also grateful for a massive investment of expertise from the Plunkett Foundation in addition to £2000 from the same source. Grampound with Creed Parish Council provided a further £4000.
We are no longer asking for donations of these kinds but we do still need the commitment of volunteers to help staff the enterprise and the commitment of the people of Grampound to use regularly the service we provide. If every household in Grampound spent £10 weekly in the shop it would ensure the long term future of GVS.
The project was funded first and foremost by the people of Grampound who contributed over £20000 in Share Capital. The Prince's Countryside Fund provided a further £18000 and Airvolution Ltd £7500. We were also grateful for a massive investment of expertise from the Plunkett Foundation in addition to £2000 from the same source. Grampound with Creed Parish Council provided a further £4000.
We are no longer asking for donations of these kinds but we do still need the commitment of volunteers to help staff the enterprise and the commitment of the people of Grampound to use regularly the service we provide. If every household in Grampound spent £10 weekly in the shop it would ensure the long term future of GVS.